Saturday, March 17, 2007

Welcome to Costco. I love you.

Idiocracy is a flawed movie. The whole is less than the sum of the parts. However, a lot of the parts are really good. Most movies are completely forgettable. This one isn't. I keep wanting to use some reference from Idiocracy the way I would with Office Space or The Matrix. Unfortunately, nobody has seen it yet, so the references wouldn't convey any meaning. Please watch this movie -- it's a funny and worthwhile use of 84 minutes. The movie is available on DVD, or you can download it.


  1. you like money too? no way! we should hang out.


    i wonder if einstein went around thinking everyone was a dumbass?

  2. I ain't never seen no plant grow out of a toilet.

  3. F*%! you, I'm eating!

  4. Gentleman's Latte with "Full Release"

  5. You see, a pimp's love is very different from that of a square.

  6. These are only a few of the classic lines:

    I like money.

    Particular Individual


    It's got what plants crave....

    don't want to sound like a dick or nothin

    There's that fag talk we talked about


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